QBO TOP 40 COUNTDOWN (to #QBConnect) Using QuickBooks Online Drawers

Using QuickBooks Online Drawers. Woody Adams and I have teamed up to bring you the QBO TOP 40 COUNTDOWN (to #QBConnect)

We’ve compiled a list of 40 features, tips and tricks that will help you work better, faster smarter. Keep in mind, there’s no particular order here we both just added to the list until we hit 40!

Using QuickBooks Online Drawers

When you have estimates, billable time, expenses or delayed charges assigned to a customer in QuickBooks Online, you’ll be prompted to add those to an invoice when you choose that customer name:

On the vendor side, if you have purchase orders or open bills, vendor credits, the drawer will open as well, so that you may add them:

Previous: Converting from QuickBooks for Mac to QuickBooks Online

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