I don’t have to tell you it’s busy season. You’re probably so swamped getting W-9s, sending W-2s and doing everything a busy ProAdvisor does this time of year that you don’t even have time to read this post. At least use your Pocket app and read it… later-ish. Basically, I’m going to sort of beg here: please read this.
I’d like to encourage all my colleagues in the industry to start a list TODAY. One one side of the paper, make note of what you LOVE about your practice. On the other side of the paper, write a list of what you HATE about your practice.
Busy season is a bit like removing a bandaid. You know it’s going to hurt, but after it’s over, you’re relieved and talk yourself into thinking it wasn’t that bad. That’s why NOW is the perfect time to start your list. While you’re in the midst of things – use an app like Google Keep or Wunderlist and add to it as things come to you.
This will be the first step in redesigning a practice that works for you.
I did this a few years ago and here’s what my list looked like:
How many hours are you working? Do you have time to cook dinner? Have you seen your family?
Get started. I’ll have more hints and tips this busy season to keep your sanity. And you’re always welcome to join the next session of the StacyK Academy, where I’ll provide the tools and processes that let me grow my LOVE list and eliminate my the HATE.