As I mentioned in my last blog, there are two parts to solving the clients don’t value services dilemma. The first, showing your value, you can find here. In this blog, I’ll write about one of my favorite topics: finding better clients.
This topic comes up a lot for me: in an interview with JetPack, a video on StacyK Academy, an article about building boundaries for Intuit and in my enewsletter and course material for StacyK Academy. At the risk of becoming redundant, I’ll hit the highpoints here.
If warning bells go off during the sales process, it isn’t the right client for you.
If they call you at all hours of the day, it isn’t the right client for you.
If you feel a sense of dread when they call or email, it isn’t the right client for you.
There are a lot of people that need bookkeeping services. The ones that are jerks will NEVER value your services, so don’t work with them.
Jerk clients don’t value service; avoid them at all costs

I got this here.
- Establish processes with all clients.
Last summer, released their State of Bookkeeping Practices Survey 2016. The statistic that astounded me, that made my peacock blue hair (yes, new color for spring) turn grey, was that 85% of survey respondents said that their workflow depends on the client!
Don’t do that, people! You’re setting yourself up for failure by not using repeatable processes. Being consistent makes it much easier to deliver on what you promised, remember what you need to do and even outsource when you need to.
- Set consistent boundaries.
Notice a theme here. Consistency. Consistent boundaries not only define how I treat my clients, they define how my clients treat me. When I’m treated as well as I treat my clients, I feel good about the relationship and valued.
The real secret to ensuring your clients value you is having a good relationship with them. If you have other suggestions for how you share your value with clients, I’d love to hear them!